Climate change

Climate change

The commitment identified by Evoca in support of the environmental and climate pillar is: to establish emissions reduction targets based on scientific criteria in line with SBTi recommendations

At Evoca, we are aware of the importance of taking action to mitigate climate change, and we consider the goals of the Paris Agreement to be strategic. Therefore, we have decided to commit to reducing both process-related emissions and product-related emissions. We analyzed our activities, identifying the most critical areas; as a result, a project was launched that led to membership in the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTI).


Energy Efficiency and Self Generation

Since 2021, the company has been using only energy from certified renewable sources for its five sites in the Bergamo area. Regarding energy efficiency, the most appropriate technical and system interventions are constantly implemented and evaluated.

Regarding self-generation, the company hosts a photovoltaic system at the Mapello plant, which provides approximately 60 MWh/year.

A Circular Economy Oriented Approach

We adopt a Circular Economy approach, which is a production and consumption model focused on reducing the waste of natural resources. It involves sharing, reusing, repairing, and recycling materials and existing products for as long as possible. It also includes assessing opportunities for reintroducing materials into the economic cycle, generating additional value

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